Chabad of Georgia regional headquarters represents the global Chabad- Lubavitch movement, which has permeated Jewish life worldwide in an unprecedented fashion. Chabad teachings impart an unconditional love for every Jew wherever he or she may be geographically, inspiring us to provide friendship, assistance, and inspiration for every Jew's journey through life.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of blessed memory, radiated love for every Jew, and in this spirit, dispatched his followers to Jewish communities around the globe, encouraging them to build communities and infuse them with life.
Energized by the Rebbe's deep faith in the power of the individual, his emissaries to Georgia, have made it their mission since their arrival in 1984 to ignite the Jewish spark within every Jew in Georgia.
Chabad of Georgia Regional Headquarters serves as the comprehensive umbrella organization encompassing the robust network of Chabad operations throughout the state. It supports the growth of new centers, develops resources for centralized programs, and provides the foundation for the entire region's Chabad activities.
Meet Our Lamplighters

Rabbi Yossi & Dassie New
Chabad of Georgia
Regional Directors
Rabbi Yossi &
Esther Lerman
Chabad of Gwinnett
Rabbi Yossi &
Shternie Lew
Chabad of Peachtree City

Rabbi Zalman &
Chanie Fisher
Chabad of Augusta

Rabbi Eliyahu &
Dena Schusterman
Chabad Intown
Rabbi Hirshy &
Devorah Leah Minkowitz
Chabad of North Fulton
Rabbi Efraim &
Chanie Silverman
Chabad of Cobb
Rabbi Zalman &
Miriam Lipskier
Chabad @ Emory

Rabbi Ari &
Leah Sollish
The Torah Center/ CMCH Elementary
Rabbi Michoel &
Chana Refson
Chabad @ UGA
Rabbi Mendy &
Liba Gurary
Chabad Israeli Center
Rabbi Zalman &
Nechamie Charytan
Chabad of Kennesaw

Rabbi Isser &
Musha New
Chabad of Georgia/ CBT
Rabbi Shlomo &
Shifra Sharfstien
Chabad of Downtown Universities
Rabbi Yale &
Rickelle New
Chabad of Toco Hills
Rabbi Levi &
Chaish Mentz
Chabad of Forsyth

Rabbi Gedalya &
Ruthie Hertz
Chabad of North Fulton
Rabbi Alex &
Esti Piekarsky
Chabad Israeli Center
Rabbi Avremi &
Bracha Slavaticki
Chabad of Decatur
Rabbi Zalmy &
Zelly Refson
Chabad of Savannah

Rabbi Chanina &
Deby Freeman
CMCH Schools
Rabbi Chaim Hillel &
Chaya Markovits
Chabad of Rural Georgia
Rabbi Shlomie &
Chanky Freedman
Friendship Circle of Atlanta
Rabbi Leivy &
Shelbelle Lapidus
Chabad Intown

Rabbi Avraham &
Mushky Zaltzman
Chabad of Smyrna & Vinings
Rabbi Mendel &
Fraida Jacobson
CMCH Elementary & Middle School
Rabbi Yisrael New
Chabad of Buckhead & Brookhaven
Rabbi Mendel &
Chana Lerman
Chabad of Gwinnett

Rabbi Nechemia &
Shaina Gurevitz
Chabad Hall County
Rabbi Chaim &
Menucha Schwartz
Chabad of Roswell
Rabbi Mendel &
Rivkah Ehrenreich
Chabad of Forsyth
Rabbi Mendy &
Sara Wineberg
Chabad of Dunwoody